How to easily watch Youtube without ads on my android for free

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On this blog we take a look at how to watch Youtube without ads on my phone. It is actually so easy to block Youtube Ads on your phone and I was shocked that none of my friends knew it!

First Step – Install Firefox on your phone

The first step that will lead you to watch Youtube without ads on your phone is to install Firefox. Go to your Google play store and install Firefox. There are also the Kiwi or Yandex Browser that work.

Second Step – Go into your browser and to Add-ons

The privilege on your Android is that you can install Addons. Therefore, click on the three Dots that are near your search bar and then on Add-ons or Extensions. 

Third Step – Install Ublock Origin

Install the Add-on Ublock Origin that will block all ads on your firefox browser.

This Add-on is available for every android phone that can download firefox. On your computer, it is even available on google chrome.

Fourth Step – Watch Youtube without ads!

After installing Ublock Origin, you should be able to block everything. So go to Youtube and watch whatever video you like, because there are no ads anymore for you. Enjoy the freedom to watch Youtube without ads on your android.