How I have fun cleaning, cooking or decluttering – 5 Methods that motivate

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It’s not only one method that works, but often it’s a combination that keeps you motivated and even introduces fun.
It’s not only one method that works, but often it’s a combination that keeps you motivated and even introduces fun.

This article looks at different methods that motivate you and maybe even introduce fun into some daily chores.

I will share methods that help me and make things even enjoyable.

Podcasts or music that motivate

First, let’s start with my preferred method that keeps the daily tasks bearable. Personally, it makes things way more enjoyable and often like cleaning and working.

Whenever I do daily tasks that do not require so much brain power, I put on my airpods and listen to interesting podcasts. There are many, some of them are The daily, Stuff you should know, Lew Later (the news) or Today Explained. 

This and listening to music are fairly popular and effective methods to be more productive while doing sports, cooking, cleaning or else.

Have a Routine, have a list, form a habit

This is another tip that works well for a lot of activities. You could set up a weekly cleaning schedule, a study schedule or a workout schedule. According to Healthline, a habit can be formed around 66 days. 

I didn’t really get to form a habit of cleaning, but I know what I have to do and finish my weekly cleaning plan. 

See the transformation – Motivate trough progress

Again, a method that works well for fitness, decluttering, cleaning and more! It is very satisfying to take pictures and to compare them. 

In my opinion, this works really well with decluttering. It is especially useful if you decide to embrace minimalism and start cleaning and sorting through your stuff. I always make a before picture and an after picture, which occasionally still blow me away.

If you want to know How to declutter my home? 3 Methods

Friends or family that can help you

In addition, there are other people that can motivate you, answer questions and also give you a hand. A few ideas for a few categories.

First, you could cook with your friends or family once in a while. I do this at least once a month and it is nice to spend some time with others.

Second, you could work out with a friend. Not only could he/she be a spotter, but normally it motivates you and teamwork works.

Third, you can have friends or family that help you decluttering, moving out or simply cheer on your accomplishments. 

Online and Reddit – The last method

Finally, you can talk or write with other like-minded people on the internet. Maybe you find a Discord channel or join a group like r/minimalism on Reddit. There, you can ask questions, comment and also share your progress. 

It also works with cooking, decluttering and more!

I hope that these 5 ideas help and will help you find and accomplish your goals. I know that sometimes things might seem out of reach or impossible. However, I try to use these methods and use a list, friends and transformation pictures.